Slow metabolism might be true say researchers





A recent study by the University of Cambridge quoted in a BBC report found that a slow metabolism might be a factor contributing to obesity. A mutated DNA gene is responsible for a slower metabolism in some people. The mutated gene affects less than 1 in 100 people and contributes to the developing of obesity in childhood years.

Researchers found that if mice were born without a gene called KSR2 were more likely to put on weight. This finding may contribute to the development of treatment for obesity for both genetic conditions and lifestyle factors. The mutated gene affects both weight gain and an increase in appetite. A slower metabolism affects a person’s energy levels making them less likely to exercise, thus creating a vicious circle.

As mentioned, 1% of the population is affected by this mutated gene KSR2 and is responsible for the way the brain interprets messages from the hormone insulin which regulates blood sugar and ghrelin which regulates hunger and how the body can burn calories effectively.

The average obese person has a higher metabolism than the norm because of the effort of carrying extra weight.

Medication to target the KSR2 gene could also deployed for other obese patients to improve their metabolism and help them lose weight.

