Emergency assessment and treatment for your weight-related health condition 

Our Triage services can helpful when:

  • you need to lose weight prior to surgery
  • you have an eating disorder and NHS waiting lists are too long
  • you are glucose intolerant and need urgent lifestyle change to avoid Type 2 Diabetes
  • you are recovering from an illness and need to gain weight
  • you have a child in London who is struggling with disordered eating, and you want co-ordinated care
  • you have a stressful job and require urgent intervention to treat your weight and health 

There are times when you need support right now. Maybe you have a sense that if you wait any longer your symptoms and health will deteriorate, or perhaps you are aware that your weight is interfering with other health treatments taking place. We can provide a co-ordinated team approach for your weight issues:

Doctor will give you a medical examination and assess your current health status, exploring any symptoms and health conditions you present with. She will look at the big picture of your health, helping you piece together historical and familial influences with current lifestyle factors that are contributing to your weight issues. Dr Delgado will help you understand any risk factors that may be of concern with either your overweight or underweight BMI, and will prescribe blood tests and other exploratory checks where required. If necessary she will prescribe medication and make referrals to other specialists.

Dietician Helen West will work closely with Dr Delgado to understand your health condition and symptoms. Together they will explore any blood work, bone scans or electrolyte profiles to assess any nutritional deficiencies that may be affecting your health. Helen will listen carefully to any struggles, difficulties or fears you have around eating and managing food in your life. Working collaboratively with you, she will create an eating plan that will reduce your symptoms, improve your health and enable you to feel confident and in control around food.

Our team of Individual Therapists understand how poor unbalanced nutrition can affect your brain and lead to stronger and more frequent cravings, more obsessive and compulsive behaviours and greater emotional instability. They will explore your historical and present day relationship with food to uncover the root issues behind your eating patterns. Working closely with Dr Delgado and Helen they will support you in making steps of change to your psychological framework around food, eating and weight so that your current health condition improves. Together you will highlight trigger situations that affect your eating behaviour, and they can teach you skills and techniques to support you in making better decisions moving forwards.

Contact Us

Call us on 020 7622 7727 and we will listen to your story and weight issues, and suggest a co-ordinated care plan.

Or complete the form below and we will be in touch soon.