Economic Crisis Hits The Health Of Our Youth The Most have published a poll which reports that while 36% of people surveyed feel stressed because of the economic downturn, this rose to 43% in the 18-24 age bracket.
24% of under 25’s say they are drinking more since the downturn compared to just 14% of all adults.
57% have lost or gained weight sine the financial crisis, 37% having put on weight which was put down to comfort eating, 20% have lost weight due to worry.
Half of 18-24’s say they have become socially lonely and isolated as they can’t afford to go out compared to 34% of the general population.
Sleeplessness is causing problems for 20% of adults and 19% of young people.
Women appear to bear the brunt of the economic downturn with 42% reporting feeling the strain compared with 31% of men.
1 in 10 people reported that working longer hours means they feel unable to take the time to eat healthily.
This poll paints a very bleak picture. Our youth really do appear to be up against more than ever before in our society. They are struggling with the economic downturn, unemployment at an all time high, debt, university fees and having to live with their parents until the age of 30! Enough to turn anyone to drink!
Stress is bad for our health, no doubt about it. The problem is that young people are far less likely to seek help when they feel stressed or depress than other groups. It’s OK to ask for help! In fact, it’s crucial. report that searches for depression have doubled in the last 2 years. Requests for stress busting tips have also soared since 2010.
Whilst it’s great that the young people are making tentative steps to get help, it does feel like a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.
The obese in this country have had a really hard time of it in the press particularly groups from “lower socio-economic groups”. It would appear that there is a growing link between overeating and lack of cash. Often people from this group will say that they don’t have anything to look forward to, holidays, new material objects etc and that their only source of comfort is in relatively cheap alcohol and/or food. The poll suggests that even if we have a job but things aren’t going well financially, we are very likely to turn to food and alcohol to get us through.
Deborah Fields, one of Weight Matters therapists, has a particular interest in alcohol related issues. She also gives a discounted rate in certain situations. If you would like to discuss this further, please do get in touch.
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