Christine Everley

Christine is a person-centred and CBT counsellor, and the HealthMatters lead anorexia clinician, and specialises in complex presentations of mental health that are entwined with complex eating presentations.
Schedule a call with our friendly assessment team, and they will get you booked in for a Discovery Session with Christine.
My Areas Of Interest & Specialism
Something About Me
I am a person centred counsellor and an accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). I also have training in the use of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) because I found it helpful when I received counselling. From my own experience in counselling I know that building a safe and trusting relationship between the counsellor and client is key to achieving a client’s goals.
My written work for my professional accreditation with the BACP focused on how a combination of person centred and CBT interventions help clients. I continue my professional development by attending a number of relevant courses every year and I draw on different techniques during work with clients. I have a broad range of experience and have worked at a number of public and private organisations.
Help and Treatment
According to the charity Beat, people experiencing eating disorder symptoms wait on average almost three years before seeking help. Why wait? The sooner someone is treated for an eating disorder, the better their chance of making a full recovery.
Eating disorders can be a way of coping with difficult emotions or situations. Anyone, of any age, gender or background, can develop an eating disorder or struggle with disordered eating. It is often difficult to speak to those closest to you. Family and friends may find it difficult to accept your perspective. Talking things through with a trained counsellor can really help.
I provide a safe, confidential place to talk about your life and your relationship with food. You will not be judged or given advice. Counselling is about helping you to develop insights into your problems and find your own resources and strength to tackle them. There is no concern or problem that is too big or too small to talk about. Whether your difficulties with food began recently, have been ongoing or are coming back, the best time to seek help is now.
Standard Session
Standard 4-Session Block
- 2020
- Two DBT courses, British Isles Training
- Radically Open intensive DBT course
- 2018
- Essentials Of CBT, The Beck Institute
- Acceptance And Commitment Therapy, Dr Russ Harris
- Obesity: Psychological Approaches, National Centre for Eating Disorders
- Essential Supervision Skills, British Psychological Society
- Developing CBT Skills For Working With Young People With Eating Disorders Workshop
- 2016
- Nutritional Interventions For Eating Disorders – National Centre for Eating Disorders
- Excellence In Practitioner Skills For Eating Disorders, National Centre for Eating Disorders
- 2015
- Workshop For Eating Disorders, Maudsley Hospital
- 2014
- Intensive Treatment Programme For Young People With Anorexia Nervosa
- 2013
- Eating Disorder Masterclass, BEAT Charity
- Certificate in CBT for Qualified Counsellors
- ABC Level 4 Diploma Theory & Practice of Counselling
- 2010
- ABC Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Skills