Counselling & Psychotherapy

Let us guide you on the path to recovery

Counselling & Psychotherapy

We offer counselling & psychotherapy for people who present with weight issues, disordered eating, negative body image and eating disorders. We also support clients who struggle with anxiety, depression or any aspect of mental health.

Our team have received special training on how to work with disordered eating, eating disorders, weight-related health conditions and body image issues.

We can support you with anxiety, depression and other psychological issues that are maintaining your eating behaviour, and other mental health conditions that you may be struggling with.

Our aim is to help you find balance with your weight, mind, eating and emotions, so you can live your life with health, vitality and happiness.


Meet our team by selecting options below and clicking 'Available Therapists'.

Then schedule a call with our assessment team, who will help you book a Discovery Session with a therapist.

All of our therapists receive Clinical Supervision to ensure high standards of Quality Assurance.

I Need Help With
My Budget


This month we are launching our new online therapy and counselling services for teenage children.

We provide support for both children and their parents.

Your Voice Matters

What issues are maintaining your unhelpful eating behaviour?

Often our disordered eating patterns are ways we have learned to cope with stressful situations in life. Exploring the underlying factors to our eating, and understanding how they are maintained in the present day, helps us bring a focus to therapy to create positive change.

Change Your Life, Feel Confident In Your Body

Let us support you in improving your physical and mental health.

Schedule a call with our friendly and experienced assessment team by using the booking calendar below.

We value being clear and open about our prices, so please check Our Fees before booking a call.

How our Counselling and Psychotherapy treatment works

Counselling and Psychotherapy is about providing you with a supportive relationship to help you create change.

This section describes how we provide counselling and psychotherapy at WeightMatters, and gives you an idea of what to expect.

Getting Started

We value creating a personal therapy that is tailored to your specific needs and requirements.

When behaviours around food, eating and exercise feel out of control, and your head is spinning with anxiety about your weight and body image, knowing where or how to start therapy can feel confusing and hopeless.

It can take a lot of courage to make contact, and we want to support you through the first step of getting in touch.

Making an Enquiry

You can complete one of our website forms, call us or send us an email. One of the team will contact you to arrange a 10-15 minute call.

We will listen to your story to understand what you want to get from therapy. We will ask if you have a preference for a particular therapist, the times you are available and the budget you are working with.

Together we will explore options to find a therapist that is the best fit for you, and arrange the next step of the process.

30 Minute Discovery Session

Experience tells us that good rapport between client and therapist is essential for successful therapy, and that’s why we ask you to come and meet a therapist for a 30 minute Discovery Session.

You get a chance to meet and describe the changes you are looking for, and your therapist will explain how individual therapy can best work for you.

Together you can then decide if working together feels right.

There are some Good Things to Know

Once booked in you will receive some documents to complete before your initial session, which gives your therapist some context about your eating history and behaviour.

Sessions last for 50 minutes, but some therapists can offer longer sessions on request. Initially we like to work with you on a weekly basis, but for some people twice weekly might be a better option.

The length of therapy depends on your individual needs and requirements, and your therapist will work with you to find the right time to end.

In your Early Sessions

Your therapist will take time to understand you and the problems you are bringing to therapy, exploring how you perceive different elements of your life.

Understanding the issues you are struggling with around weight, food, eating and body image allows your therapist to plan how best to support you.

Together you will agree areas to focus on that will move you towards the change you are looking for from therapy.

Reducing Symptoms

We ask you to keep a food diary for a few weeks, so we can highlight patterns of behaviour that cause you distress, and explore the symptoms you are experiencing.

We look at the big picture of how your nutrition is affecting your physical and mental health and suggest small changes to eating and lifestyle so you can feel better.

Reducing symptoms of anxiety, stress and cravings allows us to explore the underlying psychological factors behind your experiences.

The Root Causes of Your Eating Distress

This is where we explore the reasons why you struggle with your eating behaviour. Understanding your ‘food script’ helps us identify why, when and how your distorted patterns of eating took hold, and gives us a clear focus for psychological interventions that will support you in moving forwards.

This begins the Process of Real Change

We can be hungry for other things in life, that food can replace, and our eating can often provide us with momentary comfort.

We work with you to bring unhelpful patterns of thinking, feeling and behaviour that are connected with food into awareness.

Your therapist will support you in teasing apart these unhelpful connections, providing you with skills to create change in your life.

We invite You to Bring All of You to Therapy

Our clients come to us with some form of distress around food, eating, weight and size. As they progress through therapy many realise that their eating behaviour and size often represent layers of distress, coping and unresolved issues from other aspects of their lives.

The permission is that you can bring all of yourself to therapy. Our therapists are trained to deal with areas such as trauma, abuse, addiction and bereavement.

We invite you to share with us any topic or theme in your life that is making you unhappy.

Finally let’s talk about Length of Therapy & Ending

The length of therapy is dependent on many factors that are personal to you. We offer short-term therapy, which can target symptom reduction and may be suitable if you have budget constraints.

We also offer longer term therapy if you want to work at a deeper level and need more ongoing support in your process of growth and change. Ending therapy is something you can discuss with your therapist at any time.

They will explore your motives and feelings about this, and together you can agree a suitable end date that will facilitate a positive and nurturing end to your relationship.


In recent years there has been greater demand from our clients requesting psychological and nutritional support for their eating and weight issues online. Here are some of the benefits of having online weight loss counselling and eating disorder treatment:

  • Greater confidentiality
  • No travel time
  • Feeling safe at home
  • More convenience
  • No waiting rooms
  • Easier to schedule


Online therapy and counselling is like traditional face-2-face therapy, the only difference is the use of technology to bring greater accessibility to the work.