
Manage food for health and wellbeing

Working with a Dietitian

Dietitians specialise in nutritional, lifestyle and medical management to help you improve your diet, performance and health.

Dietitians have experience working with many different physical health conditions, using the latest scientific evidence to help you optimise your nutrition.

On this page, you can find out more about the health conditions a dietitian can support you with and they can work alongside you to help you achieve your goals and create long-term wellness.

Feel Well

We listen with compassion to your struggle with weight, eating and your health.

Arrange a call with our friendly assessment team, and let us explain how our services can support you.

We value being clear and open about our prices, so please check Our Fees before booking a call.


Dietitians take a structured approach, informed by the science of nutrition, in helping you improve your health status.

Dietitians can work with you to create a personalised plan, based on a review of your health history and symptoms, food sensitivities and nutritional deficiencies.

Dietitian support incorporates lifestyle and nutrition coaching, to help you understand your biochemistry and your nutritional needs, and helping you find motivation to achieve your long-term goals.


Nutrition is a key part of managing various conditions, and it is important to ensure that we are eating the right foods for our body to reduce illness symptoms.

Here are some examples of health conditions that our dietitians can work with:

Understanding the process of disease can be helpful to start mapping the path back to optimal health. Dietitians will review your health history and the development of your symptoms, to understand the progression of your illness.

Sessions will include making individualised nutritional changes and tracking symptoms. Dietitians may need to liaise with your doctor to help you manage your medical condition, in line with best practice.

Weight Loss & Weight management

Dietitians can support you in managing your diet and lifestyle to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Going on different fad diets can disrupt our nutritional balances, and keep us in a cycle of yo-yo dieting and fluctuating weight.

Dietitians can work with you to understand your nutritional status, and create a weight management plan that is designed for your body, based on your metabolism and exercise levels.

This includes creating a bespoke plan that is varied and balances different food groups, consuming foods in the right proportions. Meal plans will look at balancing macronutrient levels to your individual requirements to support weight loss, without engaging in severe restriction.

With a personalised and structured weight management plan in place, our dietitians will coach and support you to plan and manage your bespoke meal plan, while navigating social and work factors, to help you lose weight. 


Here are six principles we believe are important to incorporate into a diet plan

Maintaining adequate levels of energy, nutrients, movement and rest for optimal health

Balancing different food groups, and consuming foods in the right proportion

Consuming the appropriate number of calories to maintain a healthy weight depending on your metabolism and exercise levels

Focussing on creating a diet that is nutrient dense without being high in calories

Learning how to be moderate with foods that are higher in fat or sugar

Exploring a varied diet that provides all the nutrients necessary for good health

Change Your Life, Feel Confident In Your Body

Let us support you in improving your physical and mental health.

Schedule a call with our friendly and experienced assessment team by using the booking calendar below.

We value being clear and open about our prices, so please check Our Fees before booking a call.


Some people with eating disorders may engage in behaviours that significantly affect their biochemistry and nutritional balance, such as restrictive food intake, overexercising, purging and laxative abuse.

These behaviours can significantly impact the balance of nutrients, minerals and vitamins in our body, and can lead to serious long-term health consequences. For example, low levels of calcium and vitamin D can cause osteoporosis, which causes the bones to become brittle.

Our dietitians specialise in eating disorder nutrition and understand that changing your food and eating patterns can be scary. Together you will work together to create a structured plan that guides you towards recovery.

This will include rebalancing nutrient and hormone levels and helping you regain healthy control over your eating. Our dietitians can support you with nutrition coaching, to explain how different foods are important for your body, to help you feel energised and balanced.


Our dietitians can support you with sports nutrition and optimising your physical performance.

It can be difficult to know where to start when optimising your nutrition when there is so much conflicting information around. These effects can be seen when recovering from injuries, or perhaps from the effects of overtraining:

  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Injuries slow to heal
  • Lack of energy
  • Overall struggle with performance

Making informed, targeted decisions with both nutrition and hydration can result in improved performance, injury prevention and quicker recovery. 

Our dietitians will work with you to lay the nutritional foundations, including balancing carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats.

We will also focus on important aspects of lifestyle, including sleep and stress management, and personalising your nutritional needs for your specific sport.

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Below is some information about what to expect from dietitian sessions.

In dietitian consultations, we will work with you to:

  • Review your health history and current symptoms
  • Nutritional assessment for any underlying imbalances
  • Analysis and full explanation of any diagnostic tests
  • Recommend personalised diet plan to match your lifestyle and address any food allergies or sensitivities you may have
  • Individual supplement programme to promote optimal nutrition when necessary
  • Check for nutritional deficiencies where appropriate
  • Lifestyle and dietary advice for disease management
  • Dietary management of mental health issues

The initial 90-minute session includes a 75-minute consultation, and 15-minutes for creating an in-session treatment plan for you to take away.

You will then agree on the frequency of your follow-up sessions with your practitioner.

These may vary in length of 90, 60 or 40 minutes, depending on your treatment goals, the frequency of your sessions, and if any diagnostic tests require analysis and explanation.

If you require a clinical correspondence letter to your GP or Consultant, we do have a letter writing fee of £25.

Please book a call with our friendly assessment team, and they can answer any questions you have about our dietitian services, and get you booked in for an initial session.

Initial session = £195

60-minute Follow Up = £195 / 40-minute Follow Up = £150

Explore Package = £605 / Wellbeing Package = £945


We understand that positive change to health and wellbeing takes time, and that the relationship you build with your practitioner is key to supporting you in achieving your goals.

Our Explore Package covers 4-hours of therapy or our Wellness Package covers 6-hours of therapy , and both packages give you the flexibility to decide how often, and for how long, you meet with your dietitian or nutritional therapist. 

Sessions can be longer 90-minute sessions to explore in depth the results from various functional tests, shorter 20-minute sessions for weekly check-in calls, or 30, 40 or 60 minutes in length to best support your needs at that time.

Learn more about Dietitian Support