Obesity and Vitamin D



This new research highlights another issue that can arise from being obese. Low vitamin D levels can have a serious impact on your bones which can be increasingly problematic the older you get.



A new report that analysed data from 21 different studies (42,000 people were studied in total) has said that obesity can lead to a lower level of vitamin D in the body.

The research found that for every 10% rise in BMI, there was a 4% drop in available vitamin D. A reason for this has been suggested, as vitamin D is stored in fatty tissue, that when there is too much fatty tissue as there is in obese people that it can prevent it from circulating the body in the bloodstream. 

Vitamin D can be taken from exposure to the sun or dietary supplements. Healthy levels are 50 nanomole per litre, when the level drops to around 30 vitamin D deficiency symptoms can occur. These can be weakening of bones and rickets in children. 

The lead author from the University College London Institute of Child Health, Dr Elina Hypponen says the study, “highlights the importance of monitoring and treating vitamin D deficiency in people who are overweight or obese.” 

Read the original article here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-21339107